Faculty of ManagementComenius University Bratislava

guest lecture on the topic: "CCC - Culture Communication and Confusion - where culture and technology collide“

25. 03. 2024 19.37 hod.

As part of FMCU's cooperation with practice, we invite you to a guest lecture on the topic: "CCC - Culture Communication and Confusion - where culture and technology collide“. 

The guest lecture will take place on March 27, 2024, from 08:30 to 09:40 in online form. The link will be sent to students and teachers the day before the lecture. The speaker is Nico Schuster, currently based in Hong Kong, the CEO of TecPal, a leading IoT company that provides software and cloud solutions for smart household appliances. The lecture will take place within the courses Management II and Organizational Cultures, but all students and teachers interested in this topic can participate. The lecture will be in English.

More information: doc. PhDr. Lukáš Copuš, PhD. (teacher of the courses Management II and Organizational Cultures; Department of Management FMCU; lukas.copusfm.uniba.sk)