Our Education/Training Programs
Our PhD. Study & Research Program
The PhD. studies at the Comenius University of Bratislava and its Faculty of Management are the highest form of the university education. As the third degree study it has been focused on acquiring the latest knowledge in the particular scientific area and based on the contemporary and the most innovative trends in the given discipline of the research and development. An active contribution to the scientific research and development in the particular research area by PhD. students is an integral part of this highest form of the university education.
For more information on PhD. studies at the Faculty of Management in general, please, visit our web site at https://www.fm.uniba.sk/en/study/post-graduate-study-phd/
Topics of dissertations
Our PhD research resultes and graduates
On 16 May 2007 Mgr. Blanka Baratiova has successfully defended her doctoral disertation thesis "Electronic Health - eHealth as a Part of the eEurope Action Plan". She has become the first graduate of our PhD. study program at the e-Europe Research & Development Centre and has obtained the title of PhD. in management. Her disertation thesis has been directly related to our EU/6FP/IST iWebCare Project.
The summary of the dissertation thesis - Mgr. B.Barátiová, PhD.
On 29 June 2007 an another defence of the PhD disertation thesis has been carried out by Mgr. Eleonora Benova: "Electronic Education as a Part of the eEurope Strategy and Possibilities of Its Application in the Conditions of the Slovak Republic". An other defendence of the PhD thesis to be prepared within our PhD. program at the eERDC has been scheduled by the end of this year.
The summary of the dissertation thesis - Mgr. E.Beňová, PhD.
The summary of the dissertation thesis - Mgr. J.Selecký, PhD. - 3/7/2012
The summary of the dissertation thesis - PhDr. A.Jankurová, PhD. - 8/10/2012
On 20 March 2015 Ing. Mgr . Michal Šefara defended his doctoral thesis entitled "Qualified Electronic Signature in the context of information society and knowledge economy in Slovakia" and obtained PhD degree in the study program 3.3.22. business management.
The summary of the dissertation thesis - Ing. Mgr. Michal Šefara, PhD.
In connection with this successful development in completion of the PhD studies by our particular PhD. students we wish to advise all interested future PhD. students that in the near future we will have several vacancies for our future PhD students who would like to orient their PhD. theses towards issues of e-Europe, the Lisbon strategy, i2010 or the European Integaration in general. In such a case interested candidates of our PhD program could contact us through any of contacts as presented at our webpage.
On 11 August 2016 Mgr. Martina Drahošová defended her doctoral thesis entitled "Analysis of Effectiveness and Threats of Use of ICT after the Introduction of Web 2.0 in Selected Countries." and obtained PhD degree in the study program Management.
The summary of the dissertation thesis - Mgr. Martina Drahošová, PhD.
On 21st May 2021 Mgr. Dusana Alshatti Schmidt has successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled "Analysis of the Importance of Flexibility for Entities in the Labor Market of Kuwait“ and obtained PhD degree in the study program Management.
The summary of the dissertation thesis - ALSHATTI SCHMIDT, Dušana
On 21st May 2021 Mgr. Emiljana Hoti has successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled " Quality Assurance in Education as a Key Indicator in Economic Development” and obtained PhD degree in the study program Economy and Management.
The summary of the dissertation thesis - Mgr. Hoti, Emiljana