Journal of Human Resource Management
The Journal of Human Resource Management (JHRM) with an international editorial board has been published by the Faculty of Management of Comenius University in Bratislava since 1998. The JHRM has become the platform for exchange of ideas and presentation of new findings in the large range of HRM topics shared by numerous international experts.
Articles from Journal of HRM are discoverable through EBSCOhost research databases. Journal of HRM is listed also in Ulrichsweb and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.
We invite authors who are ready to share their views and findings with the others in the field of HRM and the related issues to submit their papers to the executive editor of JHRM at the e-mail address till the 30th of June 2015.
Empirical research results based on multiple methods, theoretical conceptual papers that investigate different theoretical perspectives, and in general any researches with multiple levels of analysis are particularly welcome. Special attention is paid to studies focused on HRM practices in the Central and Eastern European countries.
Articles published in the JHRM should bring new insights into topics related to HRM, especially in:
- Strategic human resource management
- International and global human resource management
- Human resource management functions (HR planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, employee motivation, evaluation and compensation, career management, employee turnover, industrial relations, etc.)
- Ethical aspects of human resource management
- Future trends in human resource management
- Cross-cultural aspects of human resource management
We are also open to novel expert discussion related to provoking ideas that do not fit within any of the above mentioned topics but that do fit within the scope and aims of the JHRM.
All papers are double-blind peer reviewed and, in the case of contradicting reviews, the third reviewer is invited to assess the paper. Papers should be written in English and submitted in the format in line with the JHRM formatting guides for the manuscript, bibliography, and citations. For further information visit